Do you like working with your hands, especially taking things apart to see how they work and then putting them back together again? That’s what we do in this department, including engineering, electrical engineering and the growing field of mechatronics, which combines the other two fields with computer software. We can help you prepare for a job, advance your current career or transfer to a four-year degree program.
AACC offers a full range of Engineering and Electronics Technology programs to prepare students for exciting jobs in industry, government and for transfer to a four-year institution. Learn more about our areas of study:
Associate Professor Elizabeth Baran
CALT 312
Associate Professor Timothy Callinan
CALT 346
Instructional Specialist Peggy Walton
CALT 346
Assistant Professor James Sherman
CALT 318
The Wunderlich family have established a mechatronics scholarship for AACC students. The purpose of this scholarship is to help with the expenses of a student enrolling full time. Recipients need to meet the following eligibility:
The Mechatronics program faculty and staff are extremely grateful for the Wunderlich's support! This scholarship will change the life of a student every year!
Keep an eye on the calendar for special engineering events featuring guest speakers from local industry or universities, field trips to industry and area university engineering programs.
Consider expanding your learning beyond the classroom by becoming an intern. Whether you are looking to apply learning to a career or transfer to a four-year program, internships provide valuable experience and industry contacts. For more information about Engineering Technology internships, contact Angelo Thalassinidis, Ph.D, assistant dean at